antibiotics - JASE Medical - Page 2

Is intermittent Fasting Good for Weight Loss?

Over the past decade, intermittent fasting, also known as time restricted fasting, has gained popularity as a way to lose weight and mitigate health risks. Some of this is true, however as with all things that seem too good to be true there are a few things that intermittent fasting can do and a few things it can’t do.

Before you jump on the intermittent fasting bandwagon for either health or weight loss related reasons there are a few things to consider. It is true that intermittent fasting can help lower insulin levels and regulate blood sugar. It can help with appetite suppression and accelerate healing and lower inflammation. However, intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone. As far as weight loss is concerned, consistent lifestyle changes over a period of time, along with time restricted eating schedule has proven to help with weight reduction.


Leptin– Leptin is known as the appetite suppressant hormone. It is secreted by fat cells in response to an increase in insulin. In a healthy feedback loop, leptin decreases hunger.

InsulinInsulin is released by beta cells in the pancreas in response to increased blood glucose levels. In a healthy feedback loop, insulin acts like a gatekeeper by attaching to cells and allowing glucose into the cell, thereby providing energy to the cell.

GhrelinGhrelin, also known as the hunger hormone, is primarily secreted in the stomach and gastrointestinal when your stomach is empty. It tells your brain you are hungry. It also regulates insulin secretion and has a role in reducing energy expenditure. Research continues to discover many other roles that ghrelin plays in the body.

Incretin- Incretin hormones are gut peptides that are secreted after nutrient intake and stimulate insulin secretion together with hyperglycemia. GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) und GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) are the known incretin hormones from the upper (GIP, K cells) and lower (GLP-1, L cells) gut.

The healthy leptin insulin feedback loop

In a healthy feedback loop, insulin levels rise due to food intake (which increases blood glucose), triggering fat cells to release leptin. Leptin reduces appetite. In turn, less or no food is eaten, resulting in lower blood glucose, which stabilizes insulin levels.

The unhealthy feedback loop

Persistent high levels of leptin cause cells to not be receptive to the effects of leptin. You continue to be hungry. The leptin, which is stored in your fat cells, doesn’t respond to feelings of satiety and you continue to be hungry. Insulin resistance is caused by persistent high levels of insulin. Cells don’t have gatekeepers(insulin)that allow glucose(energy) into the cell. This results in high circulating blood glucose levels.


Understanding the body weight thermostat

In a healthy feedback loop, the body weight thermostat sets the metabolism by the balance of the insulin-leptin feedback loop. Leptin goes up (reduce hunger) in response to rising insulin levels. This in turn lowers insulin levels because you aren’t eating. In this example, healthy body weight is maintained.

However, the body weight thermostat can malfunction. This happens when increased insulin levels- insulin levels that are increased over a period of months or years, cause insulin resistance. This results in weight gain.

Intermittent fasting/time restricted eating can balance insulin and blood sugar levels- if done right

Insulin is a primary driver of weight gain in many individuals. Correcting the imbalance through diet, exercise, reduced stress, and good quality sleep can reverse insulin and leptin resistance. It takes time, perseverance, education and planning to achieve optimum health and weight.

Talk with your healthcare provider before starting any time restricted fasting. Children, endurance athletes, underweight people, and women who are trying to conceive, pregnant, or breastfeeding should avoid intermittent fasting.

Fasting benefits and considerations

How and when to fast

Research shows that a 16 hour fast with 8 hour eating schedule provides the body with enough time to reset insulin levels, reduce inflammation and help the body turn fat into energy in a process called ketosis. However, it can take a while to get to that eating window. Many people start with a 10 hour fast and gradually work up to the 16/8 schedule. However, there are many ways to do intermittent fasting. Some do alternate days fasting, others have a more time restrictive fasting window. It all depends on your schedule and health status.

There are many benefits to intermittent fasting. During a state of fasting the body has energy to repair since energy isn’t being used for digestion. In addition, human growth hormone (HGH) increases dramatically, which can facilitate fat burning. Inflammatory markers, which cause many health-related problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. Increases levels of BDNF, a brain hormone called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, in which a deficiency has been implicated in depression and other psychiatric illnesses.

Fasting increases OGT enzyme

New research out of Yale University discovered an enzyme (OGT) produced in the hypothalamic region of the brain regulates the body’s homeostatic set point body weight and lipid metabolism. The enzyme, OGT, significantly increased after 24 hour fasting period in mice, leading researchers to speculate this enzyme may have use in obesity prevention.

Intermittent fasting, cortisol, and stress

Any type of stress the body experiences- whether emotional or physical increases cortisol levels.

Cortisol prepares your body to deal with stressful situations by diverting resources, such as blood sugar or glucose, to give your body the energy it needs to respond to a stressor or crisis. Cortisol raises blood sugar levels, even during periods of fasting. This can lead to storing more fat, Once the body adjusts to time restricted eating, many of these stressors will more than likely start to disappear.

Intermittent fasting and thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland, releases several hormones that regulate metabolism. Intermittent fasting can lower T3 and T4 levels, which can actually lead to weight gain. This is usually solved by a gradual lengthening of the fasting period. Since the thyroid hormone needs glucose to convert from inactive to active hormones (T4 to T3) the transition to using ketones as fuel (which form after extended time of fasting) can be a challenge. Seek professional guidance when dealing with thyroid dysfunction, either hypo or hyperthroid.

Effects of Intermittent Fasting on reproductive hormones

Hypothalamic Kisspeptin neurons and their receptors are involved with puberty and reproductive hormone regulation. During fasting, these hormones are decreased and can affect fertility.

- Brooke Lounsbury, RN

Medical Content Writer

Lifesaving Medications

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Cellulitis can be Life Threatening

If no medical care is available-Do all members of your family have a Jase Case?

Melissa Gilbert of Little House on the Prairie, recently posted on Instagram that she had to go to the hospital. 2 days prior, an insect bit her arm. The bite had turned red, swollen, and hot to touch. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, where she was diagnosed with cellulitis. She was put on a IV of antibiotics, Benadryl and Acetaminophen.

Years back, when I worked in a family practice clinic, I received a phone call from one of our patients, a single mom, who was camping with her 4 children outside of Disneyland. (Back then they had camping, more affordable than the hotels.) She had just spent the last 3 days going to the local walk-in clinic where she received IV antibiotics for cellulitis. She went on to tell me that she had saved for years to go on this vacation with her kids by selling Avon to finance the trip. The last Avon order had come in right before her trip. In her excitement to get orders to her customers she ripped open the box, and in doing so cardboard fibers lodged under her thumb. She removed the fibers, but the area had remained very red and swollen. She ignored the injury and went on the planned vacation, where she ended up seeking medical attention for what seemed at the time like a minor injury.

What is cellulitis and what to do if medical attention isn’t readily available?

Cellulitis is a serious infection that spreads to surrounding tissue from a break in the skin. It usually occurs around the arms and legs but can be found in other areas of the body as well. Group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes), is the most common bacteria that causes cellulitis; however, staphylococcus bacteria can also cause cellulitis.

The bacteria enter through breaks in the skin through:

  • Cuts, bites (insect, spider animal)
  • Tattoos, piercings
  • Chronic skin conditions that compromise skin integrity and the protective barrier- eczema, athletes foot
  • Chickenpox, shingles-blisters pop which leaves skin vulnerable to infection
  • Chronic edema in lower extremities resulting in skin breakdown
  • Injection drug use and
  • Puncture wounds

Symptoms include

  • Area surrounding the wound – redness, swelling, pain and areas are warm to touch
  • Malaise, fatigue
  • In more advanced cases fever, swollen lymph glands, and elevated white blood cell count
  • If untreated it can lead to sepsis, amputation and even death.
  • Redness and swelling usually spreads rapidly-within hours

How diagnosed

Diagnosis is usually through patient history and inspection of the affected area. Wound cultures, etc. are not indicated unless unusual pathogens are suspected.

What if you suspect cellulitis?

Cellulitis can spread rapidly, within a matter of hours. If medical care is available, don’t delay. If caught in time, oral antibiotics can stop the spread in most cases. Warm compresses can help bring infection fighting cells to the area. Apply moist, warm compresses for 20 minutes up to 5 times a day along with seeking medical care.

If in doubt if cellulitis and symptoms (pain, swelling, redness) are mild: Take a marker and draw a line around the edge of the red, swollen area. Check every hour. If the redness spreads outside the boundary, seek immediate medical attention. In addition, if there is any change, necrosis (dead tissue, sometimes black) or any other types of skin breakdown, fever, chills, confusion, dizziness, seek immediate medical attention.

The following images are courtesy of NHS

TESTIf no medical care is available-Do all members of your family have a Jase Case?

Melissa Gilbert of Little House on the Prairie, recently posted on Instagram that she had to go to the hospital. 2 days prior, an insect bit her arm. The bite had turned red, swollen, and hot to touch. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, where she was diagnosed with cellulitis. She was put on a IV of antibiotics, Benadryl and Acetaminophen.

Years back, when I worked in a family practice clinic, I received a phone call from one of our patients, a single mom, who was camping with her 4 children outside of Disneyland. (Back then they had camping, more affordable than the hotels.) She had just spent the last 3 days going to the local walk-in clinic where she received IV antibiotics for cellulitis. She went on to tell me that she had saved for years to go on this vacation with her kids by selling Avon to finance the trip. The last Avon order had come in right before her trip. In her excitement to get orders to her customers she ripped open the box, and in doing so cardboard fibers lodged under her thumb. She removed the fibers, but the area had remained very red and swollen. She ignored the injury and went on the planned vacation, where she ended up seeking medical attention for what seemed at the time like a minor injury.

What is cellulitis and what to do if medical attention isn’t readily available?

Cellulitis is a serious infection that spreads to surrounding tissue from a break in the skin. It usually occurs around the arms and legs but can be found in other areas of the body as well. Group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes), is the most common bacteria that causes cellulitis; however, staphylococcus bacteria can also cause cellulitis.

The bacteria enter through breaks in the skin through:

  • Cuts, bites (insect, spider animal)
  • Tattoos, piercings
  • Chronic skin conditions that compromise skin integrity and the protective barrier- eczema, athletes foot
  • Chickenpox, shingles-blisters pop which leaves skin vulnerable to infection
  • Chronic edema in lower extremities resulting in skin breakdown
  • Injection drug use and
  • Puncture wounds

Symptoms include

  • Area surrounding the wound – redness, swelling, pain and areas are warm to touch
  • Malaise, fatigue
  • In more advanced cases fever, swollen lymph glands, and elevated white blood cell count
  • If untreated it can lead to sepsis, amputation and even death.
  • Redness and swelling usually spreads rapidly-within hours

How diagnosed

Diagnosis is usually through patient history and inspection of the affected area. Wound cultures, etc. are not indicated unless unusual pathogens are suspected.

What if you suspect cellulitis?

Cellulitis can spread rapidly, within a matter of hours. If medical care is available, don’t delay. If caught in time, oral antibiotics can stop the spread in most cases. Warm compresses can help bring infection fighting cells to the area. Apply moist, warm compresses for 20 minutes up to 5 times a day along with seeking medical care.

If in doubt if cellulitis and symptoms (pain, swelling, redness) are mild: Take a marker and draw a line around the edge of the red, swollen area. Check every hour. If the redness spreads outside the boundary, seek immediate medical attention. In addition, if there is any change, necrosis (dead tissue, sometimes black) or any other types of skin breakdown, fever, chills, confusion, dizziness, seek immediate medical attention.

The following images are courtesy of NHS

If no medical care is available-TESTDo all members of your family have a Jase Case?

Melissa Gilbert of Little House on the Prairie, recently posted on Instagram that she had to go to the hospital. 2 days prior, an insect bit her arm. The bite had turned red, swollen, and hot to touch. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, where she was diagnosed with cellulitis. She was put on a IV of antibiotics, Benadryl and Acetaminophen.

Years back, when I worked in a family practice clinic, I received a phone call from one of our patients, a single mom, who was camping with her 4 children outside of Disneyland. (Back then they had camping, more affordable than the hotels.) She had just spent the last 3 days going to the local walk-in clinic where she received IV antibiotics for cellulitis. She went on to tell me that she had saved for years to go on this vacation with her kids by selling Avon to finance the trip. The last Avon order had come in right before her trip. In her excitement to get orders to her customers she ripped open the box, and in doing so cardboard fibers lodged under her thumb. She removed the fibers, but the area had remained very red and swollen. She ignored the injury and went on the planned vacation, where she ended up seeking medical attention for what seemed at the time like a minor injury.

What is cellulitis and what to do if medical attention isn’t readily available?

Cellulitis is a serious infection that spreads to surrounding tissue from a break in the skin. It usually occurs around the arms and legs but can be found in other areas of the body as well. Group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes), is the most common bacteria that causes cellulitis; however, staphylococcus bacteria can also cause cellulitis.

The bacteria enter through breaks in the skin through:

  • Cuts, bites (insect, spider animal)
  • Tattoos, piercings
  • Chronic skin conditions that compromise skin integrity and the protective barrier- eczema, athletes foot
  • Chickenpox, shingles-blisters pop which leaves skin vulnerable to infection
  • Chronic edema in lower extremities resulting in skin breakdown
  • Injection drug use and
  • Puncture wounds

Symptoms include

  • Area surrounding the wound – redness, swelling, pain and areas are warm to touch
  • Malaise, fatigue
  • In more advanced cases fever, swollen lymph glands, and elevated white blood cell count
  • If untreated it can lead to sepsis, amputation and even death.
  • Redness and swelling usually spreads rapidly-within hours

How diagnosed

Diagnosis is usually through patient history and inspection of the affected area. Wound cultures, etc. are not indicated unless unusual pathogens are suspected.

What if you suspect cellulitis?

Cellulitis can spread rapidly, within a matter of hours. If medical care is available, don’t delay. If caught in time, oral antibiotics can stop the spread in most cases. Warm compresses can help bring infection fighting cells to the area. Apply moist, warm compresses for 20 minutes up to 5 times a day along with seeking medical care.

If in doubt if cellulitis and symptoms (pain, swelling, redness) are mild: Take a marker and draw a line around the edge of the red, swollen area. Check every hour. If the redness spreads outside the boundary, seek immediate medical attention. In addition, if there is any change, necrosis (dead tissue, sometimes black) or any other types of skin breakdown, fever, chills, confusion, dizziness, seek immediate medical attention.

The following images are courtesy of NHS

If no medical care is available-TESTDo all members of your family have a Jase Case?

Melissa Gilbert of Little House on the Prairie, recently posted on Instagram that she had to go to the hospital. 2 days prior, an insect bit her arm. The bite had turned red, swollen, and hot to touch. Her doctor told her to go to the ER, where she was diagnosed with cellulitis. She was put on a IV of antibiotics, Benadryl and Acetaminophen.

Years back, when I worked in a family practice clinic, I received a phone call from one of our patients, a single mom, who was camping with her 4 children outside of Disneyland. (Back then they had camping, more affordable than the hotels.) She had just spent the last 3 days going to the local walk-in clinic where she received IV antibiotics for cellulitis. She went on to tell me that she had saved for years to go on this vacation with her kids by selling Avon to finance the trip. The last Avon order had come in right before her trip. In her excitement to get orders to her customers she ripped open the box, and in doing so cardboard fibers lodged under her thumb. She removed the fibers, but the area had remained very red and swollen. She ignored the injury and went on the planned vacation, where she ended up seeking medical attention for what seemed at the time like a minor injury.

What is cellulitis and what to do if medical attention isn’t readily available?

Cellulitis is a serious infection that spreads to surrounding tissue from a break in the skin. It usually occurs around the arms and legs but can be found in other areas of the body as well. Group A Streptococcus (S. pyogenes), is the most common bacteria that causes cellulitis; however, staphylococcus bacteria can also cause cellulitis.

The bacteria enter through breaks in the skin through:

  • Cuts, bites (insect, spider animal)
  • Tattoos, piercings
  • Chronic skin conditions that compromise skin integrity and the protective barrier- eczema, athletes foot
  • Chickenpox, shingles-blisters pop which leaves skin vulnerable to infection
  • Chronic edema in lower extremities resulting in skin breakdown
  • Injection drug use and
  • Puncture wounds

Symptoms include

  • Area surrounding the wound – redness, swelling, pain and areas are warm to touch
  • Malaise, fatigue
  • In more advanced cases fever, swollen lymph glands, and elevated white blood cell count
  • If untreated it can lead to sepsis, amputation and even death.
  • Redness and swelling usually spreads rapidly-within hours

How diagnosed

Diagnosis is usually through patient history and inspection of the affected area. Wound cultures, etc. are not indicated unless unusual pathogens are suspected.

What if you suspect cellulitis?

Cellulitis can spread rapidly, within a matter of hours. If medical care is available, don’t delay. If caught in time, oral antibiotics can stop the spread in most cases. Warm compresses can help bring infection fighting cells to the area. Apply moist, warm compresses for 20 minutes up to 5 times a day along with seeking medical care.

If in doubt if cellulitis and symptoms (pain, swelling, redness) are mild: Take a marker and draw a line around the edge of the red, swollen area. Check every hour. If the redness spreads outside the boundary, seek immediate medical attention. In addition, if there is any change, necrosis (dead tissue, sometimes black) or any other types of skin breakdown, fever, chills, confusion, dizziness, seek immediate medical attention.

The following images are courtesy of NHS

What if no immediate medical care is available?

Cellulitis can quickly become life threatening. Early intervention can mean the difference between life and death.

  • Monitor all skin breaks including scrapes, cuts, insect bites – If you have young children be sure to inspect their skin on a regular basis. Look for the signs of skin infections that may possibly lead to cellulitis.
  • Maintain hygienic practices – Group A streptococcus is spread through direct contact with infected fluid/material or droplets or when coughing. Wear disposable gloves when cleansing wound, double bag all dressings and dispose of in garbage. Avoid contact with wound drainage or other fluids from area. Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water. There is some discussion that cellulitis isn’t contagious, however always err on the side of caution and use gloves and wash hands .
  • Draw an outline with a marker around any area you have doubts about. Check hourly for redness, swelling, change in appearance of skin, blisters, necrosis (blackened skin in and surrounding skin break).
  • If redness or swelling is noted outside the marked area, contact your care provider for instructions.
  • If a care provider is not available for consult, follow the instructions in your Jase Case for skin infections/cellulitis. Doxycycline, included in the Jase Case is one of the most effective antibiotics for cellulitis.

Given all the instability in the world, while the infrastructure is still in place, prioritize and consider what would happen if the medical system went down, even for a week. Take advantage of Jase Daily and get your year supply of prescriptions and order Jase Case for every member of your family if you haven’t done so yet.

- Brooke Lounsbury, RN

Medical Content Writer

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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Drugs That Affect Blood Sugar and Hypoglycemia- A Medical Emergency

Medications can be lifesaving; however, many have unwanted effects. Almost every drug class has medications that can affect blood sugars and even mask high and low glucose levels. From blood pressure meds to inhalers, steroids, antibiotics, antifungals and diuretics, the likelihood of you or someone you know using a drug that affects glucose levels.  There are too many to list. Below are just a few examples:

A few of the many drugs that increase blood sugar (hyperglycemia): (NIH database)

  • Alcohol (decreases blood sugar after several hours of excessive intake)
  • Antibiotics (Dapsone, Rifampin)
  • Antidepressants (Zyprexa, risperdal, Clozaril, Seroquel, Abilify, Geodon, lithium)
  • Beta-2 stimulators (Proventil, Alupent, Serevent, Foradil, Brethine, Theo-Dur)
  • Corticosteroids (Prednisone, Decadron, DepoMedrol)
  • Dilantin (phenytoin)
  • Estrogens (Premarin, hormone replacement therapy)
  • Fluconazole
  • Heart and blood pressure medications (amiodarone, beta blockers(non insulin dependent diabetics), calcium channel blockers, catapress, diuretics)
  • Oral contraceptives (Birth control pills)
  • Niacin or nicotinic acid
  • Thiazide diuretics
  • Thyroid hormones (Synthroid, Levothroid)

If on a continuous glucose monitor acetaminophen (Tylenol) interferes with sensors resulting in a false low glucose reading and should be avoided.

A few of the drugs that decrease blood sugar (hypoglycemia): (NIH database)

  • Alcohol (acute excess amounts)
  • Aspirin and other salicylates in larger doses
  • Cibenzoline and quinidine (heart arrhythmia drugs)
  • Indomethacin (Indocin)
  • Levofloxacin
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
  • Metformin when used with sulfonylureas
  • Heart and blood pressure medications (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, Norpace, Quinidine)

One common drug that masks low blood sugar

If diabetic (especially insulin dependent) and taking beta blockers the symptoms of low blood sugar may not be apparent. Beta blockers block the effects of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine, along with epinephrine are released into the bloodstream during hypoglycemic episode. In turn the release of these hormones causes the early symptoms of hypoglycemia such as tremor, sweating, rapid heartbeat, and anxiety. If diabetic and taking beta blockers monitor glucose levels closely even when you don’t have signs of low blood sugar.

Signs of low blood sugar (below 70 mg/dL or less)

Low blood sugar, especially in a diabetic, can be more dangerous and even a medical emergency if not treated in time.

Common signs of low blood sugar are:

  • Fast heartbeat
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Nervousness or anxiety
  • Irritability, anger or confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Hunger

During sleep, low blood sugar symptoms may include sweaty sheets and sometimes nightmares

Signs of severe low blood sugar (below 54 mg/dL or by symptoms listed below)- Medical emergency

  • Loss of coordination
  • Difficulty speaking or slurred speech
  • Blurry or tunnel vision
  • Inability to eat or drink
  • Muscle weakness
  • Drowsiness

If left untreated hypoglycemia can result in coma, seizures and in rare cases, death

Causes of Low Blood Sugar

There are many reasons why for low blood sugar, including:

  • Taking too much insulin and/or not taking it on time
  • Not eating enough carbs after taking insulin
  • Poor diet- not eating a balanced protein, carbs and fat diet
  • The amount and timing of physical activity.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Hot and humid weather.
  • Unexpected changes in your schedule.
  • Spending time at a high altitude.
  • Going through puberty
  • Menstruation
  • On medication that causes low blood sugar
  • Severe liver or kidney disease
  • Severe infection
  • Advanced heart disease
  • Pancreatic or adrenal tumors
  • Drinking alcohol at night

What to do if you or someone you know has low blood sugar. The CDC website has tips on managing and treating hypoglycemia:

The 15-15 Rule

For low blood sugar between 55-69 mg/dL, raise it by following the 15-15 rule:

Have 15 grams of carbs and check your blood sugar after 15 minutes. If it’s still below your target range, have another serving. Repeat these steps until it’s in your target range. Once it’s in range, eat a nutritious meal or snack to ensure it doesn’t get too low again.

These items have about 15 grams of carbs:

  • 4 ounces (½ cup) of juice or regular soda.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar, honey, or syrup.
  • Hard candies, jellybeans, or gumdrops (see food label for how much to eat).
  • 3-4 glucose tablets (follow instructions).
  • 1 dose of glucose gel (usually 1 tube; follow instructions).

Tips to keep in mind:

  • It takes time for blood sugar to rise after eating. Give some time for treatment to work. Following the 15-15 rule helps.
  • Young children usually need less than 15 grams of carbs, especially infants and toddlers. Ask your doctor how much your child needs.
  • You should avoid eating a carbohydrate with lots of fiber, such as beans or lentils, or a carb that also has fat, such as chocolate. Fiber and fat slow down how fast you absorb sugar.
  • Check your blood sugar often when lows are more likely, such as when the weather is hot or when you travel.

Treating Severely Low Blood Sugar- (below 55mg/dL)

Not treatable by 15-15-15 rule

Make sure your family members, friends, and caregivers know your signs of low blood sugar so they can help treat it if needed.

You also may not be able to check your own blood sugar or treat it by yourself, depending on your symptoms.

Injectable glucagon is the best way to treat severely low blood sugar. A glucagon kit is available by prescription. Speak with your doctor to see if you should have a kit. Be sure to learn how and when to use it. Let family members and others close to you know where you keep the glucagon kit and make sure they’ve been trained in how to use it too.

It’s important to contact a doctor for emergency medical treatment immediately after receiving a glucagon injection. If a person faints (passes out) due to severely low blood sugar, they’ll usually wake up within 15 minutes after a glucagon injection. If they don’t wake up within 15 minutes after the injection, they should receive one more dose.

When the person is awake and able to swallow:

  • Feed the person a fast-acting source of sugar (regular soft drink or fruit juice).
  • Then, have them eat a long-acting source of sugar (crackers and cheese or a sandwich with meat).
  • It’s also important that friends, family, co-workers, teachers, coaches, and other people you may be around often know how to test your blood sugar and treat severely low blood sugar before it happens.

A medical ID, usually a bracelet or necklace, can be critical in keeping you safe and healthy. Emergency medical technicians are trained to look for a medical ID when caring for someone who can’t speak for themselves.

When To Call 911

If any of the following happens, your friend, relative, or helper should call 911:

  • You pass out and no glucagon is available.
  • You need a second dose of glucagon.
  • You had glucagon but are still confused.
  • Your blood sugar stays too low 20 minutes after treatment or doesn’t respond to your usual treatments.
  • Or call 911 anytime you are concerned about your severely low blood sugar.

After You Have Low Blood Sugar

If your low blood sugar was mild (between 55-69 mg/dL), you can return to your normal activities once your blood sugar is back in its target range.

After you have low blood sugar, your early symptoms for low blood sugar are less noticeable for 48 to 72 hours. Be sure to check your blood sugar more often to keep it from getting too low again, especially before eating, physical activity, or driving a car.


If you used glucagon because of a severe low (54 mg/dL or below), immediately call your doctor for emergency medical treatment. If you have had lows several times close together (even if they’re not severe), you should also tell you doctor. They may want to change your diabetes plan.

- Brooke Lounsbury, RN

Medical Content Writer

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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Popular Pesticide That Was Recently Banned Associated With Type 2 Diabetes

(This is part 1 of a series on diabetes, other parts will delve into labs, testing, prevention and management of diabetes)

A recent study revealed that Thai farmers exposed to different pesticides found an association between 3 different pesticides and onset of type 2 diabetes.

According to the study, a population-based case-controlled study was conducted among residents in the Bang Rakam district of Phitsanulok Province in Thailand. Lifetime pesticide exposure and other relevant data were collected from 866 participating cases with diabetes mellitus and 1021 healthy controls. Among 35 individual brand-named pesticides investigated, they found statistically significant occurrences of type 2 diabetes with three insecticides.

3 Pesticides

A popular insecticide, trade name Sevin, (carbaryl) recently banned for homeowner use but still available for commercial application was found to have a casual association to the onset of type 2 diabetes, along with other health issues. This insecticide was pulled from consumer shelves mid 2020 but is still used on industrial crops. Another insecticide, mevinphos has been on the EPA restricted use list, but is banned in the EU, and endosulfin whiles still being used on U.S. crops is being phased out globally.

In addition, another popular pesticide, Roundup (glyphosate) may also contribute to type 2 diabetes according to a 2022 study titled “Impact of Glyphosate on the Development of Insulin Resistance in Experimental Diabetic Rats: Role of NFκB Signalling Pathways”.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic, serious health issue facing over 10 percent of the U.S. population, and one in five people with diabetes don’t even know they have it. It is a leading cause of death due to complications, such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and lower limb amputation. Depending on the type of diabetes, insulin and glucose metabolism are involved.  While the link between pesticide use is a contributing factor, many other life choices and genetics play into the development of diabetes.

All diabetes is diagnosed through bloodwork, by checking glucose readings- either fasting, after meals or both. A urine dip can show high glucose levels, indicating the need for further testing via bloodwork.

Types of Diabetes


Prediabetes is a serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Approximately 96 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, more than 80% don’t know they have it. Prediabetes puts you at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Insulin is key factor

 Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that acts like a key to let blood sugar into cells for use as energy. If you have prediabetes, the cells in your body don’t respond normally to insulin. Your pancreas makes more insulin to try to get cells to respond. Eventually your pancreas can’t keep up, and your blood sugar rises, setting the stage for prediabetes—and type 2 diabetes down the road.

Insulin, Blood Sugar, and Type 2 Diabetes

  • Insulin is a key player in developing type 2 diabetes. This vital hormone—you can’t survive without it—regulates blood sugar (glucose) in the body, a very complicated process. Here are the high points:
  • The food you eat is broken down into blood sugar.
  • Blood sugar enters your bloodstream, which signals the pancreas to release insulin.
  • Insulin helps blood sugar enter the body’s cells so it can be used for energy.
  • Insulin also signals the liver to store blood sugar for later use.
  • Blood sugar enters cells, and levels in the bloodstream decrease, signaling insulin to decrease too.
  • Lower insulin levels alert the liver to release stored blood sugar so energy is always available, even if you haven’t eaten for a while.
  • That’s when everything works smoothly. But this finely tuned system can quickly get out of whack, as follows:
  • A lot of blood sugar enters the bloodstream.
  • The pancreas pumps out more insulin to get blood sugar into cells.
  • Over time, cells stop responding to all that insulin—they’ve become insulin resistant.
  • The pancreas keeps making more insulin to try to make cells respond.
  • Eventually, the pancreas can’t keep up, and blood sugar keeps rising.
  • Lots of blood sugar in the bloodstream is very damaging to the body and needs to be moved into cells as soon as possible. There’s lots of insulin, too, telling the liver and muscles to store blood sugar. When they’re full, the liver sends the excess blood sugar to fat cells to be stored as body fat. Yep, weight gain. And what’s more serious, the stage is set for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

NOTE: Type 1 diabetes is different; it’s thought to be caused by an autoimmune reaction (the body attacks itself by mistake). People with type 1 diabetes don’t make enough insulin and need to take it to survive.


(Type 2 diabetics)

  • Urinate (pee) a lot, often at night
  • Are very thirsty
  • Lose weight without trying
  • Always hungry
  • Blurred vision
  • Have numb or tingling hands or feet
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin
  • Slow healing sores or injuries
  • Have more infections than usual

You’re at risk for type 2 diabetes if you:

  • Have prediabetes.
  • Are overweight.
  • Are 45 years or older.
  • Have a parent, brother, or sister with type 2 diabetes.
  • Are physically active less than 3 times a week.


Treatment consists of leading a healthy lifestyle, diet, and sometimes oral medications.

Type One Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is a disease in which autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells leads to insulin deficiency.

If you have type 1 diabetes, your pancreas doesn’t make insulin or makes very little insulin. Insulin helps blood sugar enter the cells in your body for use as energy. Without insulin, blood sugar can’t get into cells and builds up in the bloodstream. High blood sugar is damaging to the body and causes many of the symptoms and complications of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes was once called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. It usually develops in children, teens, and young adults, but it can happen at any age.

Only 5-10% of people with diabetes have type 1. Currently, no one knows how to prevent type 1 diabetes, but it can be treated successfully by:

  • Following your doctor’s recommendations for living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Managing your blood sugar.
  • Getting regular health checkups.
  • Getting diabetes self-management education and support.


In addition to the above symptoms listed for type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetics may also have nausea, vomiting, or stomach pains. Type 1 diabetes symptoms can develop in just a few weeks or months and can be severe.


Treatment consists of insulin therapy and sometimes oral medication in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy in women who don’t already have diabetes. Every year, 2% to 10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes. Managing gestational diabetes will help make sure you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

What Causes Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes occurs when your body can’t make enough insulin during your pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that acts like a key to let blood sugar into the cells in your body for use as energy.

During pregnancy, your body makes more hormones and goes through other changes, such as weight gain. These changes cause your body’s cells to use insulin less effectively, a condition called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance increases your body’s need for insulin.

All pregnant women have some insulin resistance during late pregnancy. However, some women have insulin resistance even before they get pregnant. They start pregnancy with an increased need for insulin and are more likely to have gestational diabetes.

  • Having gestational diabetes can increase your risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy. It can also increase your risk of having a large baby that needs to be delivered by cesarean section (C-section).
  • If you have gestational diabetes, your baby is at higher risk of:
  • Being very large (9 pounds or more), which can make delivery more difficult
  • Being born early, which can cause breathing and other problems
  • Having low blood sugar
  • Developing type 2 diabetes later in life
  • Your blood sugar levels will usually return to normal after your baby is born.
  • About 50% of women with gestational diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes. You can lower your risk by reaching a healthy body weight after delivery.

Who is at risk

  • Have ever had gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) or given birth to a baby who weighed over 9 pounds
  • Overweight
  • Over age of 25
  • Not physically active


Unlike type 1 and 2 diabetes, there usually aren’t symptoms, it is usually diagnosed by urine and bloodwork.


Depending on the severity of the diabetes, medication, lifestyle, and diet changes may be implemented.

- Brooke Lounsbury, RN

Medical Content Writer

Lifesaving Medications

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My Reasons for ordering Jase Daily

I recently went through the process of ordering my yearly supply of prescription medicine through Jase Daily. I received my medication over the weekend and am impressed. From the ordering process to communication, every step of the way the process was streamlined and efficient. In addition, I pay out of pocket for my medication (I use a Health share program) and found the price for a whole years’ worth of medicine to be very competitive compared to my usual 90-day supply. In fact, it cost less over the year.

The packaging was secure and tamper resistant.

Once opened, I found the bottle of medication in a waterproof pouch which held the medicine and details of the transaction and prescription.

My medicine came in a clearly labeled, tamperproof bottle.

Why did I feel I needed to get an entire years’ worth of my prescription medicine?

The pandemic is over, so what’s the emergency?

If the pandemic has taught us anything is to not take anything for granted. Disrupted supply chains, medical supplies and medicines were held up in ports, diesel shortages prevented transport from the ports to pharmacies, clinics and hospitals, illness overloaded the hospitals and clinics, and on and on. Hopefully we learned to not take any part of our modern, just in time delivery for granted.

I have been a medical content writer for Jase over the past year and have researched and documented how fragile our healthcare system is. The gradual deterioration of our relationships with countries (China, and India and the threat of the dollar losing world currency status) that supply the overwhelming stock of our medications and medical supplies prompted me to act. This, along with reporting on the historic weather events of the past year-2022 and 2023 so far: record-breaking snows in Sierras, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding in California, wildfires added to my concern.

It only takes one event, nothing even national or worldwide, to cause your supply of medicine (or even water or food for that matter) to dry up for an extended period. Having a year’s supply of my prescription gives me peace of mind and I can focus on other preparedness projects.

Our world is entering a time of massive uncertainty. Severe weather, layoffs, the pending USP strike(hopefully they will come to an agreement before the deadline of July 31st), the ongoing threat of war, civil unrest, escalating gas prices, food insecurity ( the baby formula shortage is still ongoing) and on are more than enough reasons to be proactive and stock up.

Who is eligible to order a Jase Daily Supply?

To qualify for your years’ worth of medicine, you must meet certain requirements.

  • Must be a preexisting prescription.
  • Must be stable on current medications for at least 6 months.
  • If hospitalized in the last 6 months, you’ll be required to explain during the order process.
  • A Jase physician will determine if your Jase Daily supply will be appropriate for you.
  • To safely prescribe Jase Daily medication, we require that you have been seen by a health care provider within the past 6 months.

Any day, any time even local events can cause shortages. Be proactive, not reactive. If you or your family are on long term medicines, it makes sense to stock up. Get your Jase Daily for you and your loved ones today.

- Brooke Lounsbury, RN

Medical Content Writer

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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