Are you Prepared for Extreme Weather?


Record breaking temperatures are sweeping across the Western states.

The above stories are just a small sampling of the massive, unrelenting heat wave is scouring much of the West. The Arizona story is a very sad one, and most likely could have been prevented if the hikers had been prepared.

Extreme heat and preparedness

Finding yourself in the midst of a heat wave that seems to have no end can turn into a deadly situation if you are not prepared. Depending on the scenario, a heatwave can mean different preparedness strategies. Some basic preparations for any heatwave are:

  • Along with knowing the signs of dehydration learn the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Unless necessary don’t go out in the direct sun during the middle of the day. Keep travel to a minimum.

The American Red Cross has great information on how to identify and treat heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Be sure to review and download this information.

  • Have plenty of bottled water stored. If the electrical grid goes the water systems go within a few days.
  • If in the city find your nearest cooling shelter. Have a plan to go to it if your home becomes too hot to stay in
  • Check in on shut ins, elderly, people living alone and disabled in the community. Make sure they are prepared for the heat, or help them get to a cooling facility
  • Know the signs of dehydration. Keep oral rehydration powder that can be mixed with water in stock. Populations that are prone to dehydration are small children, elderly, disabled and those taking diuretic and certain other medications. Check with the pharmacist about the medications you or your family are on and if excessive heat could put you or your loved one at risk for dehydration or heat exhaustion.
  • Keep water with you when traveling. If your car breaks down or public transit is delayed it could be hours before you are able to reach your destination. Also, if hiking or engaging in outdoor activities check the weather forecast, keep a map of the area you are traveling and plan your activities for earlier or later in the day, avoiding the heat of the day for exercise.
  • For heatwaves that are expected to last for several days to weeks be sure you have at least a month’s supply of medications, food, and water on hand.
  • An ongoing episode of extreme heat can bring down the power grid, if anyone in your family uses a cpap, sleeping device or oxygen, (or any other medical device that is electric dependent) be sure to have a back up battery or generator for them.
  • Know when to use an indoor fan and when not to. If the indoor temperature is below 95 degrees use a fan. If it is above 95 degrees don’t use a fan. Fan use may cause your body to gain heat instead of losing it. On very hot, humid days, sweat evaporates off the skin slower than normal, and fans make it even more difficult for the body to lose heat by sweating.
  • When using an indoor fan, it is better to exhaust air to the outside instead of blowing directly on you.

Lifesaving Medications

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Are you Prepared for Floods?

According to  Flood Defenders, a nonprofit organization working with local governments to provide adequate flood protection:

  • Flooding has cost US taxpayers more than $850 billion since 2000
  • Is responsible for ⅔ of the cost from all natural disasters. In small towns and large cities
  • America has experienced an urban flooding event once every 2-3 days for the past 25 years.

Health risks post flood

Homes that have been flooded, whether from natural disasters such as rain, hurricanes or rivers breaching their shores or pipes leaking and bursting in walls, dishwashers, sinks or bathtubs can pose some very serious health risks. Sewage can overflow, which can bring deadly bacteria and viruses, mold from damp homes after flood waters have receded, and electrical hazards pose serious health risks.  

Mitigating those risks

Having some basic supplies and items on hand if you live in a known flood zone or your area is prone to heavy rainfall can help alleviate some of the risks associated with floods.

Have a bag put together with each member of your group/family in mind:

  • Extra meds (prescription and nonprescription)
  • Store your important papers and health records in a portable waterproof container- a box or bag- to take with you if you need to evacuate.
  • Bottled water
  • Water filtration- find one that can remove chemicals along with bacteria and viruses like the Alexapure pitcher
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Dry towels
  • Gloves- both a pair of work gloves and a box of gloves
  • Dry clothing and extra shoes in plastic, waterproof bags
  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Small tool kit, with hammer, pliers, small crowbar, etc.
  • Small radio with batteries- to ascertain if help is coming, etc.
  • Nutritious prepackaged snacks such as dried fruits and nuts in case help isn’t readily available.
  • Small boxes of juices

After the flood

Post flood is the most dangerous time regarding health. If you live in a warm and humid area mold growth can cause significant health risks. Cold areas where flooding is likely can cause hypothermia and even frostbite if you are exposed to the elements and are wearing wet or damp clothing. A few tips before entering your home post flood:

  • FEMA has put out an excellent pamphlet on how to deal with mold and mildew in your home., download and read this important information before venturing into your home, since mold and mildew can be odorless and colorless, exercise extreme caution before going into your home post flood.
  • Your home may be structurally unstable, have a building inspector to inspect the structural integrity of your home before entering it. Akso, contact an electrician to check out your home before entering it.
  • Do not use your gas or propane stove until you are suer all is dry and that the gas lines are safe to use. Also, inspect and make sure carbon monoxide alarms are working.


Lifesaving Medications

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National Doctor’s Day: A Celebration Of Care

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Measles Cases On The Rise In The U.S.

Why a conquered disease is back, and what we can do.  .  The Measles Resurgence: A Call For Health Preparedness Measles, a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease - once relegated to history books - is making a disturbing comeback in the United States....

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Are you Prepared for Fire?

The end of the summer brings dry weather and many areas at risk for wildfires. Many areas, including California, along with the disruption by evacuations or electrical blackouts, can bring many challenges that not just the fires bring. Home fires are of particular concern because they usually happen without warning, can occur during the middle of the night and can catch you off guard.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFTPA) :

  • More than one-quarter (26%) of reported fires in 2015-2019 occurred in homes. Even worse, three-quarters (75%) of civilian fire deaths and almost three-quarters (72%) of all reported injuries were caused by home fires.
  • During this five-year period, US fire departments responded to an estimated average of 346,800 home structure fires per year. These fires caused an annual average of 2,620 civilian deaths; 11,070 civilian fire injuries; and $7.3 billion in direct property damage.
  • Most home fires and fire casualties result from five causes: cooking, heating, electrical distribution and lighting equipment, intentional fire setting, and smoking materials.
  • Over the five-year period of 2015–2019, cooking was the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, while smoking was the leading cause of home fire deaths.

These are alarming statistics. Are you prepared and know what to do if fire hits your home?

Below are a few considerations for fire preparedness, the NFPA has excellent resources

  • Regarding smoke alarms and a safety plan: Check and replace your smoke alarms Develop a safety plan, how to evacuate your home and to make sure everyone has a meeting place. Practice this monthly.
  • Practice electrical safety around water. Electrical fires can start anywhere in the home at any time, especially if you live in an older home that hasn’t had the wiring recently inspected and upgraded. Along with the danger of an electrical fire is the risk of electrocution that extinguishing a fire can bring when using water.
  • Have fire extinguishers available in all areas of the home, especially the kitchen and garage areas. Learn from your local fire department how to use them properly. Have them refilled, check them at the same time you inspect your smoke alarms. Make sure you are using an extinguisher rated for your intended use. Also have an extinguisher in your auto, check it periodically also.
  • If a fire breaks out in a public area, such as a restaurant, nightclub, hotel , school, dorm or other area, always take mental note of where the exits are and how you would leave the building if a fire broke out
  • At risk groups such as elderly and disabled require a plan in place for their safe evacuation and safety.
  • Store gasoline and other flammables in a cool, dark place in containers designed for their contents.
  • Smoke inhalation can be deadly, especially with structural fires. The types of plastics and other materials can create deadly fumes. When exiting a burning building stay as low to the ground as possible. The fresher air is found there.


  • Teach children the dangers of fires at an early age. There are many resources on the internet and library that can help. NFPA has a good you tube video on fire safety targeted at children.
  • Keep flashlight, whistles, phone and other items near your bedside in case fire breaks out during the night.
  • Have a plan in place for your pets.

Take the time to implement and practice fire safety and practice with your family fire safety and prevention. It could very well save a life.

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National Doctor’s Day: A Celebration Of Care

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Why a conquered disease is back, and what we can do.  .  The Measles Resurgence: A Call For Health Preparedness Measles, a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease - once relegated to history books - is making a disturbing comeback in the United States....

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Part 2, Common Back to School Illnesses

Last week we reviewed head lice, colds and flu and pinkeye. Today we will look at impetigo.


Impetigo is a skin infection caused by one or both of the following bacteria: group A Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. It is the most common skin infection in the age 2-5 group. On occasion adults may become infected, especially if they have another skin issue or are recovering from a cold or other virus.

Group A Streptococcus (group A strep) causes many different infections. These infections range from minor illnesses to very serious and deadly diseases., such as strep throat, scarlet fever, cellulitis, rheumatic fever and more.

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus or “staph”) causes skin and soft tissue infections such as abscesses (boils), furuncles, and cellulitis. Most staph infections are not serious, however staph infections can on occasion cause bone, bloodstream, and pneumonia. Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA) is an antibiotic resistant staph infection is becoming more common.

How impetigo is spread

  • Impetigo is highly contagious and can be spread from skin-to-skin contact, like in daycare and school environments where children are in close contact with each other.
  • People with scabies or other skin infections or injuries that break the skin are at an increased risk of impetigo.
  • Sharing washcloths and towels,
  • Contact with sores and rash through personal contact (hugging, playground play)
  • Not practicing correct personal hygiene- by keeping sores and blisters clean and removing excess crusty material as it builds up.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms include:

  • Impetigo starts out as red itchy blisters and sores, that easily spreads when scratched.
  • The blisters are filled with yellow or honey-colored fluid and ooze and crust over. Rash that may begin as a single spot but spreads to other areas due to scratching.
  • Sores usually start on the face and lips and can spread, arms, or legs and other areas of the body.
  • Patches of impetigo on the body (in children).


Both S, aureus and group A strep impetigo are treated either with an antibiotic cream or in the case of a severe infection an oral antibiotic.

Your care provider can guide you in the best treatment option available. They may want to take a sample of the bacteria on the skin to determine if you have impetigo, however visual observance is how it is usually diagnosed.

Impetigo can take weeks to clear up. If the rash spreads or does not get better (after a week or so) following treatment, contact your care provider for further guidance. You may need to try another antibiotic.

NOTE: Most impetigo is caused by group A strep

Most cases of impetigo are treated with a prescription antibiotic cream applied directly to the affected area(s). Only severe cases and cases that aren’t healing may need an oral antibiotic.

Be sure to keep sores clean by daily cleansing with mild soap and water and patting dry. Wash soiled washcloths in hot water and dry on high heat.  Apply prescribed cream once skin is dry.

It takes about 10 days for sores to appear after someone is exposed to group A strep. If an oral antibiotic is indicated for group A strep impetigo it is usually treated with Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (one of the antibiotics in the Jase case)

If an oral antibiotic is indicated for S. aureus impetigo, your care provider may prescribe doxycycline (one of the antibiotics in the Jase case) or another antibiotic if needed.

Complications of untreated impetigo

Rare complications include:

  • Kidney failure
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Scarring


  • Use a clean washcloth and towel each time you wash.
  • DO NOT share towels, clothing, brushes, and other personal care products with anyone.
  • Avoid touching sores that are oozing. If you do, immediately wash hands, wipe hands on towel and immediately put the towel in the washer or if using paper towels, discard in trash immediately.
  • Keep your skin clean to prevent getting the infection. Wash minor cuts and scrapes well with soap and clean water
  • Avoid using hot tubs or swimming pools to prevent spread of impetigo to other parts of the body


Lifesaving Medications

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National Doctor’s Day: A Celebration Of Care

On this day we recognize the contributions of doctors to our health, our lives, and our communities.  .  National Doctor's Day: A Day We Acknowledge The Vital Roles Doctors Play In Our Lives National Doctor’s Day is a day dedicated to recognizing the...

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Measles Cases On The Rise In The U.S.

Why a conquered disease is back, and what we can do.  .  The Measles Resurgence: A Call For Health Preparedness Measles, a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease - once relegated to history books - is making a disturbing comeback in the United States....

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Planning a Road Trip?

Travel plans over the Labor Day weekend? Do you have the fluids in your car topped off, the tire pressure checked, bags packed for the road? How does your first aid bag look – is it stocked and ready for emergencies you may encounter on your trip?

Preparedness doesn’t just stop at the home while we are out and about our usual day, from running errands to long distance travel, medical emergencies can happen anytime. Knowing what to do and having the necessary tools in the event of an emergency could be the difference between life and death.

Traveling solo in your vehicle presents challenges not encountered when using public transportation such as air travel and cruise ships. These types of travel have basic and advanced first aid and crew members who are trained to handle medical emergencies.

Whether you travel by motorcycle, car or RV medical emergencies can arise and there could be no one to help. Rural areas where there is no cellphone service, inclement weather preventing emergency personnel to respond are just a few need to manage an emergency on your own.

Getting ready for your trip

On the road you could encounter any number of different types of emergencies. From a car crash to a cardiac event to food poisoning from eating stale food from your cooler, the wide array of medical emergencies is almost endless.

  1. Planning and obtaining necessary supplies
  • Not only having medication and supplements packed, have on hand extra water for everyone in case of a breakdown. At least 2-16 ounce bottles of water per person is desirable.
  • If you have Jase cases for your family, be sure to bring them along. These medicines could prevent a costly trip to the emergency room if you or your family become ill on the road.
  • If anyone traveling with you is diabetic have juice or other sweet snacks in case of low blood sugar.
  • Have electrolyte drinks or mix for water in case of extreme heat and electrolyte loss
  • Keep warm blankets, towels, flashing flares and a well equipped first aid kit for the car.
  • Open and insect the contents of your first aid kit. Discard and replace any used, contaminated, or expired items in it.
  • Check your first aid medications. Do you have medication to stop diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, over the counter pain meds? Allergy meds? Bug repellant? Creams for burns? A warm blanket to prevent shock? Flashlights with batteries? A distress whistle if car ends up off the road and can’t be seen from the road? Shovel and gloves, a container of cat litter for traction if you find yourself on icy pavement and are unable to obtain traction is invaluable.
  • Make sure you have extra clothing and outerwear in case of inclement weather.
  • A physical map in case you are unable to navigate with GPS (GPS isn’t reliable in rural areas)
  • Let someone you know the route you are planning on taking and your estimated ETA. Contact them once you have arrived at our destination.
  • This is just a short list of items that you may want to consider when venturing out of town.

With a little forethought and planning you will arrive at your destination safely. Have a safe and fun Labor Day holiday!

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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National Doctor’s Day: A Celebration Of Care

On this day we recognize the contributions of doctors to our health, our lives, and our communities.  .  National Doctor's Day: A Day We Acknowledge The Vital Roles Doctors Play In Our Lives National Doctor’s Day is a day dedicated to recognizing the...

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Why a conquered disease is back, and what we can do.  .  The Measles Resurgence: A Call For Health Preparedness Measles, a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease - once relegated to history books - is making a disturbing comeback in the United States....

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