Allergy Season and the Risk of Respiratory Infections

Don’t let allergies turn into something more serious!

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It’s that time of year. The weather is lovely, the flowers are in bloom, the birds are chirping, and the tissues are flying? Summer’s around the corner, and Spring is certainly in the air, but so are the allergens.

With all the increased activity in springtime, both from us and in nature, the pollen, mold, dust, dander, and dirt all get stirred up too. This not only exacerbates allergies but can lead to respiratory infections too – unless we take precautions.

So let’s look at why springtime allergies can be a double whammy for your respiratory health.


The Allergy Season

Spring through Fall are notorious for their higher pollen counts, which can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Common symptoms include sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and coughing. These symptoms occur when the immune system overreacts to the presence of pollen, releasing chemicals like histamine that cause inflammation and irritation.


| According to the CDC 25.7% of adults, and 18.9% of children in the U.S. suffer from seasonal allergies. |


The Link to Respiratory Infections:

One of the lesser-known effects of springtime allergies is their potential to increase the risk of respiratory infections. The inflammation and irritation caused by allergic reactions can weaken the immune system’s ability to defend against viruses and bacteria, making individuals more susceptible to infections like the common cold and flu.


Drainage Difficulties:

Another way allergies put you at risk is by creating drainage issues. The constant runny nose and congestion that plague allergy sufferers are your body’s attempt to flush out irritants. However, this constant flow can actually become counterproductive. Mucus can become thick and sticky, making it harder to clear out and potentially trapping pathogens that could lead to infection.


What can you do to combat allergies and the risk of a respiratory infection?


    • Know Your Triggers: Pollen counts are a big culprit, but mold, dust mites, and even pet dander can trigger allergy symptoms. Identifying your triggers allows you to take specific steps to avoid them. Check the daily pollen count before you decide to spend time outdoors.
    • Medications are Your Friend: Over-the-counter antihistamines and nasal corticosteroids can significantly reduce allergy symptoms and inflammation. Consult  your doctor about the best option for you. And if a respiratory infection does develop then there are medications to treat and shorten those infections.
    • Be Proactive: Start taking allergy medication before symptoms even appear. This helps prevent the inflammation that makes you more susceptible to infection.
    • Minimize Exposure: Stay indoors on high pollen count days, keep windows closed, and shower after spending time outdoors.
    • Boost Your Defenses: Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and manage stress – all these factors contribute to a strong immune system
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If you have severe allergies, a higher risk of respiratory infections, or even a weakened  immune system, consider having medications on hand for both mitigating allergic reactions and treating respiratory infections.

Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, and Azithromycin are some of the most common medication for treating respiratory infections. And all 3 are included in every standard Jase Case.

So get yourself a Jase Case for some peace of mind this allergy season!


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Ten Ways Parents Can Improve Their Child’s Health Today

Small changes can make a big difference!

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As parents, there’s nothing we want more than for our children to be healthy and happy. We dream of them skipping through life with boundless energy, tackling new adventures with enthusiasm, and growing into strong, confident individuals. But let’s be honest, between busy schedules, picky eaters, and the allure of screens, fostering healthy habits can feel like an uphill battle.

Luckily, even small changes can make a big difference! By making simple adjustments into your daily routine, you can significantly improve your child’s overall health and well-being.

Below, we’ll explore ten easy-to-implement strategies you can put into practice today to start your child on the path to a healthier lifestyle.



Ten Easy Ways to Improve Your Child’s Health:


1. Encourage Physical Activity:

    • Encourage your child to engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This can include activities like running, jumping, dancing, or playing sports.
    • Take family walks or bike rides to make physical activity a fun family routine.
    • Consider enrolling your child in organized sports or activities they enjoy to keep them motivated and engaged.
    • Limit sedentary activities like watching TV or playing video games, and encourage active play instead.

| According to the CDC 20.7% of children ages 6-11 were considered obese in a recent study. |


2. Provide Nutritious Meals and Snacks:

    • Offer a variety of foods from all food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products.
    • Involve your child in meal planning and preparation to teach them about healthy food choices.
    • Limit sugary drinks and snacks, and opt for water, milk, or unsweetened beverages instead.
    • Make nutrition a family affair. Encourage healthy eating habits by eating nutritious meals and snacks together as a family.

3. Ensure Proper Hydration:

    • Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after physical activity.
    • Avoid sugary drinks like soda and fruit drinks, as they can contribute to weight gain and dental problems.
    • Let them pick out a reusable water bottle with a fun design for them to take to school or activities to promote hydration throughout the day.

4. Promote Good Hygiene Practices:

    • Teach your child the importance of washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.
    • Show your child how to properly brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to prevent dental problems.
    • Encourage your child to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when they cough or sneeze to prevent the spread of germs.

5. Set Time Aside for Play:

    • Encourage unstructured playtime, as it helps children develop social skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
    • Provide age-appropriate toys and games that encourage physical activity and imaginative play.
    • Limit electronic device time and encourage outdoor play whenever possible to promote physical activity and exposure to natural light.

6. Foster a Positive Mental Attitude:

    • Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and emotions, and provide a supportive environment where they feel safe and valued.
    • Teach your child coping skills to deal with stress and challenges, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or talking to a trusted adult.
    • Keep a positive attitude and resilience in the face of adversity to teach your child how to handle life’s ups and downs.

| In a study from 2016-2019, 9.4% of children aged 3-17 years had diagnosed anxiety, and 4.4% of the same age group had diagnosed depression. |


7. Limit Screen Time:

    • Set limits on the amount of time your child spends in front of screens, including TV, computers, tablets, and smartphones.
    • Encourage screen-free zones and times, such as during meals or before bedtime, to promote better sleep and family interactions.
    • Monitor the content your child is exposed to and engage with them in discussions about what they are watching or playing.

8. Ensure Adequate Sleep:

    • Establish a regular bedtime routine to help your child wind down and prepare for sleep.
    • Create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping the bedroom dark, quiet, and cool.
    • Encourage your child to avoid screens at least an hour before bedtime, as the blue light can interfere with sleep.

9. Set a Good Example:

    • Model healthy behaviors, such as eating nutritious meals, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and managing stress effectively.
    • Involve your child in your own health and wellness routines to show them the importance of self-care.
    • Use positive language when talking about your body and health to promote a healthy body image in your child.

10. Schedule Regular Health Check-ups:

    • Ensure your child receives regular check-ups with their pediatrician to monitor their growth, development, and overall health.
    • Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and screenings recommended for your child’s age and health status.
    • Discuss any concerns or questions you have about your child’s health with their healthcare provider to address them promptly.

| 8% of children ages 5-11 missed 11 or more days of school from illness or injury, according to statistical data from the NHIS |


Implementing these things on a daily basis lays a good foundation for them becoming habits, leading to lifelong well being for your kids!

We would do anything for our kids, but sometimes all we can do is not enough. With circumstances outside of our control, such as natural disasters or extended power outages, we are at the mercy of the situation. Keep your family prepared, and their health a priority by having a KidCase on hand – just in case.

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Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is often confused with foot-and-mouth disease (also called hoof-and-mouth disease), which affects cows, sheep, and pigs.

Humans do not get the animal disease, and animals do not get the human disease.

What is it:

Hand, foot and mouth disease can be spread by two different viruses, however it is most commonly spread by the coxsackievirus. It is highly contagious and is a common childhood illness. HFMD is common in children under the age of 10, but any age can contract it. You can contract the disease more than once, however the symptoms will be less severe.

The virus can sometimes spread to others for days or weeks after symptoms go away or if they have no symptoms at all (carriers of the virus).

How is it spread:

HFMD is most contagious during the first week when a person is sick.

This highly contagious virus is spread through contact with:

  • Nasal and throat secretions (saliva, drool or nasal mucus)
  • Fluid from scabs or blisters
  • Poop (not using hygienic bathroom practices)

Common signs and symptoms:

  • Sore throat.
  • Feeling sick.
  • Painful, blister-like lesions on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks. These lesions can lead to poor appetite or risk of dehydration due to pain when attempting to eat or drink.
  • A blister like rash on the palms, soles of the feet and sometimes the buttocks. The rash is not itchy. The blisters are usually small, oval, and white, and are usually not found on the trunk.
  • Fussiness in infants and toddlers.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Symptoms usually last from 7-10 days after becoming infected.


How to treat:

Antibiotics do not work on viruses and are not given to children with HFMD. HFMD will get better on its own.

  • Tylenol or ibuprofen. Ask your care provider what they recommend for pain relief.
  • Be sure to offer liquids to prevent dehydration.
  • Do not squeeze or otherwise pierce blisters. The fluid contained in the blisters is highly contagious.

When to seek medical care:

If your child is unwell with a fever and a skin rash (small bright red spots or purple spots or unexplained bruises) that does not turn to skin-color (blanch) when you press on it, this may be a sign of meningococcal infection (see  Meningococcal infection).(This is a very rare occurrence)

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Are you Prepared for Fire?

The end of the summer brings dry weather and many areas at risk for wildfires. Many areas, including California, along with the disruption by evacuations or electrical blackouts, can bring many challenges that not just the fires bring. Home fires are of particular concern because they usually happen without warning, can occur during the middle of the night and can catch you off guard.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFTPA) :

  • More than one-quarter (26%) of reported fires in 2015-2019 occurred in homes. Even worse, three-quarters (75%) of civilian fire deaths and almost three-quarters (72%) of all reported injuries were caused by home fires.
  • During this five-year period, US fire departments responded to an estimated average of 346,800 home structure fires per year. These fires caused an annual average of 2,620 civilian deaths; 11,070 civilian fire injuries; and $7.3 billion in direct property damage.
  • Most home fires and fire casualties result from five causes: cooking, heating, electrical distribution and lighting equipment, intentional fire setting, and smoking materials.
  • Over the five-year period of 2015–2019, cooking was the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, while smoking was the leading cause of home fire deaths.

These are alarming statistics. Are you prepared and know what to do if fire hits your home?

Below are a few considerations for fire preparedness, the NFPA has excellent resources

  • Regarding smoke alarms and a safety plan: Check and replace your smoke alarms Develop a safety plan, how to evacuate your home and to make sure everyone has a meeting place. Practice this monthly.
  • Practice electrical safety around water. Electrical fires can start anywhere in the home at any time, especially if you live in an older home that hasn’t had the wiring recently inspected and upgraded. Along with the danger of an electrical fire is the risk of electrocution that extinguishing a fire can bring when using water.
  • Have fire extinguishers available in all areas of the home, especially the kitchen and garage areas. Learn from your local fire department how to use them properly. Have them refilled, check them at the same time you inspect your smoke alarms. Make sure you are using an extinguisher rated for your intended use. Also have an extinguisher in your auto, check it periodically also.
  • If a fire breaks out in a public area, such as a restaurant, nightclub, hotel , school, dorm or other area, always take mental note of where the exits are and how you would leave the building if a fire broke out
  • At risk groups such as elderly and disabled require a plan in place for their safe evacuation and safety.
  • Store gasoline and other flammables in a cool, dark place in containers designed for their contents.
  • Smoke inhalation can be deadly, especially with structural fires. The types of plastics and other materials can create deadly fumes. When exiting a burning building stay as low to the ground as possible. The fresher air is found there.


  • Teach children the dangers of fires at an early age. There are many resources on the internet and library that can help. NFPA has a good you tube video on fire safety targeted at children.
  • Keep flashlight, whistles, phone and other items near your bedside in case fire breaks out during the night.
  • Have a plan in place for your pets.

Take the time to implement and practice fire safety and practice with your family fire safety and prevention. It could very well save a life.

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Part 2, Common Back to School Illnesses

Last week we reviewed head lice, colds and flu and pinkeye. Today we will look at impetigo.


Impetigo is a skin infection caused by one or both of the following bacteria: group A Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. It is the most common skin infection in the age 2-5 group. On occasion adults may become infected, especially if they have another skin issue or are recovering from a cold or other virus.

Group A Streptococcus (group A strep) causes many different infections. These infections range from minor illnesses to very serious and deadly diseases., such as strep throat, scarlet fever, cellulitis, rheumatic fever and more.

Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus or “staph”) causes skin and soft tissue infections such as abscesses (boils), furuncles, and cellulitis. Most staph infections are not serious, however staph infections can on occasion cause bone, bloodstream, and pneumonia. Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA) is an antibiotic resistant staph infection is becoming more common.

How impetigo is spread

  • Impetigo is highly contagious and can be spread from skin-to-skin contact, like in daycare and school environments where children are in close contact with each other.
  • People with scabies or other skin infections or injuries that break the skin are at an increased risk of impetigo.
  • Sharing washcloths and towels,
  • Contact with sores and rash through personal contact (hugging, playground play)
  • Not practicing correct personal hygiene- by keeping sores and blisters clean and removing excess crusty material as it builds up.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms include:

  • Impetigo starts out as red itchy blisters and sores, that easily spreads when scratched.
  • The blisters are filled with yellow or honey-colored fluid and ooze and crust over. Rash that may begin as a single spot but spreads to other areas due to scratching.
  • Sores usually start on the face and lips and can spread, arms, or legs and other areas of the body.
  • Patches of impetigo on the body (in children).


Both S, aureus and group A strep impetigo are treated either with an antibiotic cream or in the case of a severe infection an oral antibiotic.

Your care provider can guide you in the best treatment option available. They may want to take a sample of the bacteria on the skin to determine if you have impetigo, however visual observance is how it is usually diagnosed.

Impetigo can take weeks to clear up. If the rash spreads or does not get better (after a week or so) following treatment, contact your care provider for further guidance. You may need to try another antibiotic.

NOTE: Most impetigo is caused by group A strep

Most cases of impetigo are treated with a prescription antibiotic cream applied directly to the affected area(s). Only severe cases and cases that aren’t healing may need an oral antibiotic.

Be sure to keep sores clean by daily cleansing with mild soap and water and patting dry. Wash soiled washcloths in hot water and dry on high heat.  Apply prescribed cream once skin is dry.

It takes about 10 days for sores to appear after someone is exposed to group A strep. If an oral antibiotic is indicated for group A strep impetigo it is usually treated with Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (one of the antibiotics in the Jase case)

If an oral antibiotic is indicated for S. aureus impetigo, your care provider may prescribe doxycycline (one of the antibiotics in the Jase case) or another antibiotic if needed.

Complications of untreated impetigo

Rare complications include:

  • Kidney failure
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Scarring


  • Use a clean washcloth and towel each time you wash.
  • DO NOT share towels, clothing, brushes, and other personal care products with anyone.
  • Avoid touching sores that are oozing. If you do, immediately wash hands, wipe hands on towel and immediately put the towel in the washer or if using paper towels, discard in trash immediately.
  • Keep your skin clean to prevent getting the infection. Wash minor cuts and scrapes well with soap and clean water
  • Avoid using hot tubs or swimming pools to prevent spread of impetigo to other parts of the body


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KidCase now has Rx Dexamethasone (for Croup and Asthma) added at no extra cost!