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How to Build A Home Emergency Kit

A thoughtfully crafted emergency kit can become a lifeline for your family after a disaster.

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How to Build a Home Emergency Kit

In an unpredictable world, being prepared for emergencies is not just a precaution—it’s a necessity. A well-stocked home emergency kit can be a lifeline during natural disasters, power outages, or other unexpected events. This guide will walk you through creating a thorough emergency kit that you can rely on to help keep family safe, comfortable, and self-sufficient during unexpected emergencies.

Emergencies can come in many forms, including:

  • Natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires)
  • Severe weather events (blizzards, heat waves)
  • Power outages
  • Public health emergencies
  • Man-made disasters

By preparing for these scenarios, you can reduce stress, ensure your family’s safety, and potentially save lives when an emergency strikes. The goal is to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours (3 days) following a disaster, though many experts recommend preparing for up to two weeks.


The Basics of Emergency Preparedness

Before we dive into the specifics of what to include in your kit, let’s cover some fundamental principles of emergency preparedness:

  1. Plan for multiple scenarios: Prepare for both sheltering in place and potential evacuation.
  2. Customize for your needs: While we’ll provide a comprehensive list, consider your family’s unique requirements, including medical needs, dietary restrictions, and the specific types of disasters common in your area.
  3. Store properly: Keep your supplies in airtight plastic bags and place them in easy-to-carry containers like plastic bins or duffel bags.
  4. Maintain your kit: Regularly check and update your supplies, replacing expired items as needed.
  5. Multiple kit locations: Consider having kits at home, work, and in your vehicle.


Essential Components of Your Emergency Kit:


1. Water

Water is critical for survival. Store at least one gallon per person per day for a minimum of three days, preferably up to two weeks. Remember:

  • An active person needs at least two quarts of water daily for drinking alone.
  • Children, nursing mothers, and people with health issues may need more.
  • Hot temperatures can double the amount of water needed.
  • Additional water is necessary for food preparation and sanitation.

Water storage tips:

  • Use thoroughly washed plastic, fiberglass, or enamel-lined containers.
  • Avoid containers that can break or have held toxic substances.
  • Seal containers tightly, label them, and store in a cool, dark place.
  • Date each container and replace stored water every six months.
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2. Food

Stock non-perishable food to last at least three days, preferably up to two weeks. Choose foods that require no refrigeration, preparation, or cooking, and little to no water. Options include:

  • Canned meats, fruits, and vegetables
  • Protein or fruit bars
  • Dry cereal or granola
  • Peanut butter
  • Dried fruit and nuts
  • Crackers
  • Canned juices
  • Non-perishable pasteurized milk
  • Comfort/stress foods
  • Infant formula and baby food (if applicable)

Don’t forget a manual can opener, basic utensils, and cooking tools.


3. Medications

Prescription Medications

Having an adequate supply of medications is crucial in an emergency situation. This is where the our Jase Daily becomes invaluable. Jase Daily offers an extended supply of your existing prescriptions for chronic conditions, ensuring you have the medications you need during an emergency. This service helps you maintain:

At least one month supply of prescription medications for conditions such as:

    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Thyroid disorders
    • Mental health conditions
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Emergency Medications

For emergency medications, the Jase Case is an excellent solution. This customizable emergency medication kit can include:

  • Antibiotics for common infections
  • Epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPens) for severe allergic reactions
  • Malaria medication for those in or traveling to high-risk areas
  • Medications to counter bio-terror agents like Anthrax

Remember: A Jase Case ensures you’re prepared for a wide range of medical emergencies when access to healthcare might be limited.


4. First Aid Kit

In addition to the Jase Case, maintain a comprehensive first aid kit including:

  • Adhesive bandages of various sizes
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • Adhesive tape
  • Elastic bandage (Ace wrap)
  • Scissors and tweezers
  • Safety pins
  • Disposable gloves
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Pain relievers (acetaminophen, ibuprofen)
  • Antidiarrheal medication
  • Antacids
  • Insect bite relief pads
  • First aid manual


5. Tools and Supplies

  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio if possible)
  • Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
  • Multi-purpose tool or basic tools (wrench, pliers, screwdriver)
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Dust masks, scissors, and plastic sheeting
  • Duct tape
  • Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties for personal sanitation
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles, or other activities


6. Clothing and Bedding

  • Complete change of clothing appropriate for your climate
  • Sturdy shoes
  • Jacket or coat
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person
  • Hat, gloves, and thermal underwear for cold climate


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7. Important Documents

Store copies of important documents in a waterproof, portable container:

  • Identification (driver’s license, passport)
  • Insurance policies
  • Bank account records
  • Emergency contact information
  • Medical information (prescriptions, allergies)
  • Birth certificates
  • Social Security cards
  • Deeds or mortgages
  • Wills and estate papers

Consider storing electronic copies in a password-protected format on a removable drive or secure cloud-based service.


8. Special Considerations

For the Elderly:

  • Extra supply of prescription medications (easily secured with Jase Daily)
  • List of all medications, dosages, and allergies
  • Contact information for doctors and family members
  • Copies of medical insurance and Medicare cards
  • Medical devices (oxygen, glucose meter, blood pressure monitor) with backup power sources
  • Mobility aids (cane, walker, wheelchair) and extra batteries for motorized equipment
  • Incontinence supplies
  • Denture needs and supplies
  • Special nutrition or meal replacement drinks
  • Backup pair of eyeglasses and hearing aids with extra batteries
  • Comfort items like a favorite sweater or jacket, or family photos
  • Large-print documents for those with vision impairments

For Babies and Young Children:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Formula and bottles
  • Powdered milk
  • Medications
  • Books, games, electronics (Remember tablets are great until the battery dies and there’s no power to recharge it)

For Pets:

  • Food and water (two-week supply)
  • Medications
  • Leash, harness, and carrier
  • Documents (vaccination, registration, microchip information)
  • Sanitation items
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9. Making Emergency Preparedness a Family Activity

Building your emergency kit can be an excellent opportunity for family bonding and education. By involving all family members in the process, you can:

  1. Ensure everyone’s needs are considered
  2. Teach children about emergency preparedness
  3. Create a sense of ownership and responsibility
  4. Customize the kit to your family’s specific requirements

Consider allowing each family member, especially children, to create their own “mini-kit” in addition to the main household kit. These personal kits can contain items that provide comfort, maintain habits and hobbies, and address individual needs during an emergency.


10. Storing Your Emergency Kit

  • Keep your kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly.
  • Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept.
  • Keep a smaller version of the emergency supply kit in your vehicle.
  • Store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.


11. Maintaining Your Kit

After assembling your kit, maintain it so it’s ready when needed:

  • Keep canned food in a cool, dry place.
  • Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers.
  • Replace expired items as needed.
  • Re-think your needs every year and update your kit as your family’s needs change.
  • Review your supplies at least every six months.

Creating an adequate home emergency kit is an essential step in preparing for unexpected situations. By involving the whole family in the process, you not only ensure that everyone’s needs are met but also create an educational opportunity and foster a sense of preparedness and resilience.

Remember to regularly check and update your kit, including rotating perishable items and adjusting contents as your family’s needs change. And with a Jase Case for emergency medications, and Jase Daily for your extended supply of chronic medications you can ensure that your medication needs are covered in any situation.

Being prepared brings peace of mind and can make a significant difference in how you and your family weather an emergency. Take the time to prepare now, and you’ll be thankful for your foresight if an emergency does occur.

Tune in next week for the next part in our National Preparedness Month series, where we will go over low cost, and no-cost emergency preparedness solutions and ideas.

As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay prepared. 

– Your partners in preparedness:

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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While things are being done at the national level to combat global shortages, there's more individuals can do at home. The Complexities of Prescription Drug Shortages Prescription drug shortages have reached unprecedented levels in recent years, disrupting the supply...

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How to Make an Emergency Plan for Your Household

Planning is the difference between panic, and preparedness.


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How to Make an Emergency Plan for Your Household

When disaster strikes, the difference between panic and composure often comes down to one thing: preparation. While we can’t predict emergencies, we can certainly be ready for them. This guide will walk you through creating a thorough emergency preparedness plan, ensuring you and your loved ones are equipped to face whatever emergencies you may encounter.

Assess Your Unique Needs

The first step in crafting your emergency plan is to assess your specific needs. Consider the natural disasters most likely to occur in your area. Are you in a hurricane zone? Tornado alley? Or perhaps wildfire country? Each scenario requires different preparations.

Key factors to consider:

  • Types of potential emergencies in your region (e.g., hurricanes, floods, tornadoes)
  • Special needs within your household:
    • Seniors
    • People with disabilities
    • Infants and young children
    • Pets
  • Medical and dietary requirements
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Family Communication and Meeting Points

In the chaos of an emergency, communication is crucial. Start by establishing meeting locations and a robust family communication strategy.

  • Choose two family meeting spots:
    • Close to home for sudden emergencies (e.g., house fire)
    • Outside your neighborhood in case of evacuation
  • Develop an emergency contact plan:
    • Designate an out-of-state contact as your family’s emergency coordinator
    • Ensure everyone has this contact’s information saved in their phones and written down
    • List emergency contacts as “I.C.E.” (In Case of Emergency) in cellphones
    • Use text messages when appropriate as they can often get through when calls can’t.
    • Establish a family group chat, or use a family communication app

Plan Your Evacuation Strategy

Knowing how to get out of harm’s way is crucial. Your evacuation plan should be thorough and well-practiced.

  • Plan and practice multiple evacuation routes from your home and neighborhood
  • Identify modes of transportation and make arrangements if you lack personal transport
  • Decide on potential destinations:
    • Hotels/motels
    • Homes of friends or relatives a safe distance away
    • Evacuation shelters
  • Keep a list of pet-friendly hotels and shelters along your evacuation routes
  • Practice evacuating your home twice a year:
    • Grab your emergency kit
    • Drive your planned evacuation route
    • Plot alternate routes on your map in case roads are impassable
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Prepare for Sheltering in Place

Sometimes, evacuation isn’t the safest option. For scenarios like severe weather or airborne hazards, you might need to shelter in place.

  • Designate safe rooms in your home with:

    • Few windows or doors
    • Access to TV, radio, and phones for updates
  • Ensure you can access necessary supplies and your emergency kit
  • If you receive medical treatments or home health care services, work with your provider to determine how to maintain care if you’re unable to leave home for a period of time

Develop a Broader Communication Strategy

Beyond your immediate family, it’s important to know how to communicate with local authorities, emergency services, and your community during a crisis.

  • Learn how to receive local emergency alerts and warnings (radio, TV, text, emergency alert systems)
  • Keep a list of important phone numbers easily accessible:
    • Local police and fire departments
    • Nearby hospitals
    • Local emergency management office
    • Local utilities
  • Understand how to contact emergency services if 911 is unavailable
  • Know your community’s emergency communication plan and evacuation routes
  • Consider joining or following local community emergency response teams on social media
  • Learn how to use the American Red Cross Safe and Well website to let extended family and friends know you’re safe
  • If you have a landline, keep a non-cordless phone in your home, as it may work even when the power is out
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Assign Responsibilities

A well-executed plan requires everyone to play their part. Assign roles and responsibilities to each family member.

  • Give each family member age-appropriate tasks for various emergency scenarios
  • Discuss how you will work together as a team
  • Consider how you will assist family members with special needs or disabilities

Stay Informed and Prepared

Knowledge and preparation are your best defenses in an emergency.

  1. Familiarize yourself with emergency plans at work, school, or daycare
  2. If no plans exist in these places, volunteer to help develop them
  3. Prepare an emergency kit with essentials to help you survive for at least 72 hours
  4. Document your plan, writing down detailed instructions for each type of emergency scenario
  5. Use online resources like the American Red Cross form to help document your plan
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Practice and Update Your Plan

A plan is only as good as its execution. Regular practice and updates are crucial.

  • Run through your emergency plan at least 2-3 times a year
  • Update the plan as needed after each practice session
  • Review your plan annually
  • Replace expired items in your kit
  • Adjust your plan as your family’s needs change

Don’t Forget Your Pets

Our furry family members need to be included in all aspects of emergency planning.

  • Include pet supplies in your emergency kit
  • Ensure your pets are microchipped and wearing collars with up-to-date information
  • Plan for their evacuation needs, including carriers or crates if necessary

Remember, if it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for your pets either.


Creating an emergency preparedness plan may seem daunting, but it’s essential in ensuring your family’s safety. Take it one step at a time, involve all family members in the process, and remember to review and update your plan regularly. With proper preparation, you can face whatever emergencies or disasters that come your way with confidence.

Keep yourself and your family prepared for potential emergencies by having a Jase Case on hand before you need it.

Tune in next week for the next part in our National Preparedness Month series where we will go over in detail how to build an emergency kit with food, water, medical essentials, important documents, and much more!


As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay prepared. 

– Your partners in preparedness:

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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What to Do if Your Medication is Out of Stock?

You depend on your medications, but what if you can’t get them?


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Navigating Prescription Stockouts

Being prepared could save your life.

In recent years, prescription drug shortages have become an increasingly common and distressing problem for patients across the United States. From essential antibiotics to life-sustaining cancer medications, shortages can affect a wide range of drugs, leaving those affected feeling vulnerable, anxious, and unsure of where to turn for help.

The causes of drug shortages are multifaceted and often deeply entrenched in the complex realities of the pharmaceutical industry. Manufacturing issues, quality control problems, and production delays can all disrupt the supply chain, while financial incentives may drive companies to prioritize certain products over others, leading to scarcity of less profitable drugs.

For anyone caught in the middle of these shortages, the impact can be profound. Suddenly, the medications you rely on to manage chronic conditions, treat acute illnesses, or even survive life-threatening diseases may be unavailable or in critically short supply. The resulting stress, uncertainty, and potential health risks can be overwhelming.

If you find yourself facing a medication shortage, it’s essential to remember that you have options and advocates who can help you navigate this challenging situation. Here are some key strategies to consider:

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  • Don’t hesitate to speak up: Your healthcare team is your first line of support during a drug shortage. Inform your doctor and pharmacist as soon as you encounter difficulty filling your prescription. They can work with you to identify alternative medications, adjust dosages, or develop short-term management plans to bridge the gap until your regular drug becomes available again.
  • Explore therapeutic alternatives: In many cases, there may be other drugs within the same therapeutic class that can provide similar benefits to your prescribed medication. Your doctor can help you determine if a substitute is appropriate based on your specific medical needs, and can write a new prescription or authorize insurance coverage changes if necessary.
  • Tap into expert resources: Organizations like the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and the FDA maintain detailed databases of current and resolved drug shortages. These resources can provide valuable information on the reasons behind a shortage, estimated resupply timelines, and suggested therapeutic alternatives.


| In 2024, there has steadily been about 300 medications in short supply according to the ASHP |


  • Investigate assistance programs: Often the generic versions of medications are in higher demand due to affordability, and thus go out of stock more quickly. If you’re struggling to afford a brand-name medication that is in stock, check the manufacturer’s website for patient assistance programs, co-pay savings cards, or other financial support options. Many pharmaceutical companies offer these resources to help eligible patients access needed drugs at a reduced cost.
  • Embrace proactive planning: While navigating an active shortage is crucial, taking steps to prepare for future supply disruptions can provide valuable peace of mind. Consider keeping an emergency supply of your essential medications in a dedicated solution like the Jase Case. The Jase Case comes with 5 life saving emergency medications to treat the most common illness and infections you’re likely to encounter, and can be further customized with 28 additional meds to treat an expansive array of conditions, and can be a critical buffer when essential emergency prescriptions may be out of stock at your regular pharmacy.

For medications you take regularly for chronic conditions, a service like Jase Daily can be a game-changer. By providing an extended supply of your daily  medications delivered right to your door, Jase Daily helps you stay ahead of potential shortages and ensures you always have a few extra months of your prescriptions


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  • Leverage technology and online resources: In the digital age, patients have access to a wealth of online resources and support communities that can provide valuable information and guidance during a drug shortage. From patient forums and social media groups to mobile apps that track drug availability and prices, these tools can help you stay informed, connect with others facing similar challenges, and discover alternative solutions you may not have considered.

By tapping into the collective knowledge and experience of these online communities, you can gain new insights, share your own strategies, and find much-needed support and encouragement as you navigate the uncertainties of a drug shortage.


  • Advocate for change: While individual strategies can help patients weather the immediate challenges of drug shortages, long-term solutions require systemic change. Engaging with patient advocacy organizations, sharing your experiences with elected officials, and supporting policies that prioritize patient needs over profits can all contribute to a more stable, transparent, and equitable pharmaceutical supply chain.

Prescription drug shortages can be a source of immense frustration, anxiety, and vulnerability for patients who depend on these medications to maintain their health and quality of life. However, by arming yourself with knowledge, leveraging the expertise of your healthcare team, and embracing proactive strategies like the Jase Case and Jase Daily, you can navigate even the most challenging shortages with greater confidence and resilience.

Remember, you are your own best advocate. Don’t hesitate to speak up, ask questions, and explore every possible avenue to access the medications you need. With persistence, creativity, and the support of your healthcare community, you can overcome the obstacles of drug shortages and stay focused on what matters most: your health and well-being.

Keep yourself prepared for the potential of out of stock pharmacies by having a Jase Case on hand, before you need it.

As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay prepared. 

– Your partners in preparedness:

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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Mpox: Unpacking the Facts That Matter

Global health warnings are being issued, but you likely aren’t at risk.


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Mpox: What You Need To Know

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have both recently released warnings declaring mpox a global health emergency.

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral disease that is in the same family as the smallpox virus (although names are similar, this virus is not related to chickenpox). Mpox is endemic in parts of Central and West Africa, where it is evident in wild animals like monkeys, rodents, and prairie dogs. Humans can contract this virus through direct contact with infected animals while eating, hunting, trapping or otherwise interacting with them. Mpox has been around for decades, but in the past few years it has made headlines during increased outbreaks. 

There are two different types, or “clades”, of mpox. Clade II was responsible for the global outbreak in 2022 and is generally transmitted from animals to humans, usually by eating bushmeat of an infected animal or other prolonged animal contact. The current global health warning refers to a Clade I variant which is a newer strain that causes more severe disease with a higher death rate. It also appears to have a mutation which can be transmitted from human to human. Clade I is often spread person-to-person via sexual contact, face-to-face contact (or prolonged close contact like cuddling, kissing, or hugging), or via contaminated bedding, clothes, or towels. 

Mpox causes an illness that causes flu-like symptoms, fever, chills, body aches, headache, and exhaustion accompanied by a rash. The rash initially looks like pimples or blisters and can be itchy or painful. Most people who contract this disease will recover with supportive care, but certain groups of people with weakened immune systems, like infants, pregnant women, etc. are more likely to have severe disease.

Because this is a viral disease, there is no “cure”, but there is a vaccine for prevention and one oral medication available for treatment. The mpox vaccine is a two-dose series for people at high risk of contracting the disease or for people who have had close contact with someone suspected of having mpox. Oral TPOXX (tecovirimat) is an experimental medication that is still being tested in humans with mpox to see if it is safe and effective. TPOXX is the only FDA-approved medication available for smallpox treatment and animal studies show promise in treated mpox. This is a prescription medication, but is not available at regular pharmacies at this point. Check with your medical provider to determine if you meet criteria for the vaccination.

While it is still important to be aware of any global health warning, at this point, the risk of the clade I mpox variant to the United States is considered to be low. Due in part to the limited number of travelers and direct flights from Central and West Africa to the US, but also because the US has access to extensive testing and medical interventions compared to the rural African countries most affected at this time.

As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay prepared. 

– Your partners in preparedness:

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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Drug Shortages: Causes & Solutions

Drug Shortages: Causes & Solutions

While things are being done at the national level to combat global shortages, there's more individuals can do at home. The Complexities of Prescription Drug Shortages Prescription drug shortages have reached unprecedented levels in recent years, disrupting the supply...

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Drug Shortages: Causes & Solutions

While things are being done at the national level to combat global shortages, there’s more individuals can do at home.

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The Complexities of Prescription Drug Shortages

Prescription drug shortages have reached unprecedented levels in recent years, disrupting the supply of essential medicines such as, antibiotics, cancer chemotherapies, ADHD medications, and diabetes and weight-loss treatments. These shortages compromise patient care, strain healthcare resources, and place an economic burden on the system. Here we’ll explore the multiple reasons behind drug shortages and examine the efforts being made to ensure patients have continuous access to the medications they need.

Understanding Drug Shortages

A drug shortage occurs when either the actual demand or projected demand for a medication exceeds the available supply. According to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), active drug shortages in the US reached an all-time high of 323 during the first quarter of 2024, surpassing the previous record set in 2014. The situation is similarly dire in the UK, with the British Generic Manufacturers Association reporting a 100% increase in medicine shortages between January 2022 and January 2024.

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Causes of Drug Shortages

  • Sudden Demand Spikes: Unexpected increases in disease prevalence, such as the rise in Strep A cases among UK children in 2022, lead to a surge in demand for children’s antibiotics. Only a year later, a drastic shortage of children’s antibiotics hit the U.S. in the beginning of the school year in 2023. Each year we face an amoxicillin shortage leading up to and into the start of the school year. Safeguard your kids from these shortages with a KidCase (which includes amoxicillin).
  • Manufacturing and Quality Issues: Recalls, quality problems, or failed regulatory inspections can cause sudden drops in supply. For example, when Indian manufacturer Intas failed a US FDA inspection in 2023, it triggered a nationwide shortage of cisplatin and carboplatin cancer chemotherapies.
  • Raw Material Shortages: Scarcity of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) or delivery mechanisms can contribute to drug shortages. The geographic concentration of API manufacturing in China and India heightens the risk of global supply disruptions.
  • Economic Factors: Extreme price competition among generic manufacturers can undermine investment in manufacturing capacity, quality assurance, and supply chain reliability. Lower-priced drugs are more likely to experience shortages due to a lack of incentives for production.
  • Natural Disasters and Geopolitical Events: Incidents like the 2023 tornado that hit a Pfizer plant in the US can destroy manufacturing facilities. Geopolitical factors such as Brexit, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the Covid-19 pandemic have also significantly impacted drug supplies.

| In the first quarter of 2024, drug shortages in the U.S. hit an all time high, surpassing the previous record set in 2014. |


Protocols for Managing Shortages

Many countries have established national reporting systems to facilitate communication about drug shortages. In the US, manufacturers can notify the FDA Drug Shortage Staff via a web portal, and the FDA’s list is updated daily. The FDA works with manufacturers to address shortages and may seek alternative suppliers or importation of products. Also, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) maintains an up to date list of current drug shortages.

Similarly, in the UK, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) liaises with manufacturers, alternative suppliers, and wholesalers to secure additional supplies. The DHSC has also introduced serious shortage protocols (SSPs) to allow pharmacists to offer alternative products when items are in short supply.

Regulatory agencies like the FDA and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) can take various actions to mitigate shortages, but these are often controversial. Such actions can include: expediting approval processes, granting temporary labeling exemptions, and allowing the importation of unlicensed medicines.

Antibiotic Intervention Secondary Image

Efforts to Prevent Future Shortages

  1. Critical Medicines List: In addition to the FDA and ASHP drug shortage lists maintained in the U.S., the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published a list of over 200 critical medicines to prioritize for shortage prevention. The list will be expanded and updated annually.
  2. Supply Chain Resilience Recommendations: The EMA has gone a step further by issuing recommendations for global suppliers to address vulnerabilities in the production and delivery of critical medicines. These include stockpiling, reviewing past shortages to identify demand patterns, and increasing manufacturing capacity.
  3. Policy Solutions: Legislators in the U.S. have proposed funding domestic manufacturing to combat supply chain issues. The Senate Finance Committee has drafted a bill to incentivize hospital contracting practices that ensure adequate drug supplies.
  4. Appointment of Supply Chain Coordinator: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has appointed a supply chain resilience and shortage coordinator to lead efforts in strengthening critical medical supply chains.

In summary

Prescription drug shortages pose a significant challenge to healthcare systems and patients worldwide. The interplay of factors, from sudden demand spikes and manufacturing issues to economic pressures and geopolitical events, requires broad and collaborative approach to ensure patients have uninterrupted access to essential medicines. While national reporting systems, regulatory actions, and policy initiatives aim to mitigate the impact of shortages, more work is clearly needed to address the root causes and build resilience in the global pharmaceutical supply chain.

One thing that individuals can do to hedge against supply shortages and medication availability is have their own supply. Maintaining a personal supply of emergency medications like antibiotics and treatments for sudden illnesses is both prudent and possible. That is why we make the Jase Case—for these unpredictable circumstances.

Additionally, our Jase Daily service can provide you an extended supply of your daily medications for chronic conditions, offering a larger quantity than is typically available through your local physician and pharmacy.

Give yourself the peace of mind you deserve.

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Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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