Founder’s Perspective: A Year In Review

Jan 2, 2024 | Health, Preparedness

Founder’s Perspective: A Year In Review

I have been reflecting on the past year’s progress and lessons learned. We have made significant strides in our company and continue to expand. As we enter 2024, I am confident that Jase Medical staff are of the highest caliber. Their commitment, integrity, and hard work at Jase Medical have made us the premier medical preparedness website that we are today. We look forward to serving you with new and innovative approaches to healthcare that will strengthen the resilience of the Jase community.

2023 in retrospect

2023 was a landmark year for Jase Medical. Expanding the Jase Case from 7 to 33 possible add-on medications is a testament to the company’s commitment to comprehensive healthcare solutions.

May 24, 2023, our offerings expand.

Following the overwhelming success of our Jase Case emergency medication pack, Jase Daily was introduced. Patients can now receive a year’s supply of daily prescription medications, acting as a buffer against supply chain disruptions and extended drug shortages. 2023 also saw a fourfold increase across departments, including marketing, programming, and customer service, solidifying Jase’s position as a leader in medical preparedness. Our commitment to innovation, resilience, and world-class service reflects Jase Medical’s position as the leader in medical preparedness.

Lessons from Maui: A Testament to Medical Preparedness

The experience in Maui following the devastating fires was a profound and defining moment for Jase Medical. Amidst the ashes and uncertainty, our team witnessed firsthand the critical role of medical preparedness in a crisis. This experience served as a reminder of the importance of Jase Medical’s mission and was a vivid illustration of the real-world impact of our work. Jase Medical emerged not just as a medical preparedness company but as a crucial lifeline emphasizing the need for emergency preparedness in healthcare. We saw firsthand the importance of medical preparedness in times of crisis and uncertainty- and this solidified our volunteers’ resolve to continue making Jase Medical the number one resource for medical preparedness.

Resilience in a year of uncertainty

Our team of dedicated professionals successfully secured new partnerships, including extensive networks of physicians and pharmacies. This expansion enriched Jase’s resources and cemented its position as a trailblazer in the field. The ability to navigate complex challenges, such as supply chain disruptions and medication shortages, is a testament to Jase’s commitment to reliability and excellence.

Pioneering Medical Preparedness on the Web

Jase Medical has firmly established itself as the premier online medical preparedness company. Its unique position stems from an unparalleled combination of comprehensive services and products and exceptional customer service. The depth and breadth of Jase’s offerings are unrivaled, setting a high bar in the industry and offering peace of mind to those we serve.

Anticipating the Future: Preparing for 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, Jase Medical is poised to tackle the increasingly pressing challenges in the healthcare sector. The fragile supply chain, coupled with escalating geopolitical tensions leading to pharmaceutical shortages and an increasingly limited supply of healthcare providers, is why Jase Medical exists. Looking ahead to 2024, Jase Medical is poised to address the increasingly pressing challenges in the healthcare sector. The world is likely to continue experiencing pharmaceutical shortages, limited access to healthcare providers, and escalating geopolitical tensions. We plan to offer even more new services and expand access to medications like insulin and others. In these times of uncertainty, Jase’s role becomes ever more crucial. Preparing for the worst while hoping for the best, Jase is geared up to be at the forefront of combating these global healthcare challenges.

Reflecting on a World in Flux

Jase Medical stands as a mirror to the world we inhabit – a world grappling with fragile supply chains, burgeoning populations, and growing uncertainties. It emphasizes the importance of individual empowerment in healthcare. By providing access to medical professionals, essential medications, and educational resources, Jase empowers individuals to take charge of their health and safety. This philosophy is at the heart of Jase Medical’s mission, reflecting its commitment to being more than just a company – a vital lifeline in times of need.


As Jase Medical continues to grow and evolve, it remains a beacon of hope and preparedness in an unpredictable world. The company’s journey thus far is a story of resilience, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to serving the community. With its eyes set on the future, Jase Medical is not just responding to the challenges of today but is actively shaping the landscape of healthcare preparedness for tomorrow. And we are just getting started!

- Dr. Shawn Rowland

Founder & CEO of JASE Medical

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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