5 Ways to Prepare For Medical Emergencies

Mar 20, 2024 | Health, Preparedness

5 Ways to Prepare For Medical Emergencies

With relentlessly busy lives, in a world as volatile as ours, you never quite know what may happen tomorrow.


5 Ways to Prepare For Medical Emergencies


Being as prepared as possible is the only way to safeguard your family against preventable mishaps during an unpreventable emergency. Remember, emergencies come in all shapes and sizes, so the more diverse ways in which you prepare, the better.


Here are 5 things every family should do to medically prepare for the unknowns ahead:

  1. Create a Family Emergency Plan – and not just have a plan in place, but regularly go through and practice that plan, and amend it as needed. Ready.GOV has a thorough page on making an effective plan here. Remember your family may not be together when the emergency takes place, so the immediate priority in that plan should be instructions for establishing communication, and convening with all members of your family. However, it should also be addressed in that plan whether to shelter in place, or rendezvous at a predetermined location. Only about 40% of American households have a plan in place, be sure to count yourselves among them. 
  2. Keep Up-To-Date and Accurate Medical Records For All Members of The Family – this includes a list of daily medications each member is on, and other special requirements such as dietary restrictions, known allergies, conditions, disabilities or mental health needs, and any necessary treatments for those conditions. Our Jase Daily prescription supply can ensure you are never without the medications you need. Order your Jase Daily here!
  3. Put Together an Emergency Kit – A comprehensive emergency kit should go beyond just having a first aid kit and a cellphone. Your emergency kit should – at a minimum – include basic things such as: 
    • Water
    • Food
    • Flashlight (with extra batteries)
    • Dust/Contaminant Masks
    • Soap, Hand Sanitizer, and Disinfectant Wipes
    • Cash or Travelers Checks
    • Copies of Important Documents
    • Cell Phone and Chargers/Cables
    • A thorough First Aid Kit including Over-The-Counter Drugs
    • Extra Supplies of Prescriptions for all members of the Family

Emergencies are traumatic and stressful even when your family is prepared and rehearsed, but they can become deadly if you are without access to life-dependent medications. Get our free 72hr kit guide below:

4. Education – Learn basic first aid, CPR, symptom identification for medical conditions within the family, various survival skills, alternate methods of local travel, alternate methods of communication and staying informed on local, and national events. Follow your local news outlets and local law enforcement on social media as this will usually be the most up to the minute source of information, and instruction. Knowledge is your most powerful tool in an emergency. Having a plan and having a kit are great, but only if you know how to utilize them. Consider taking classes as a family unit. There are both local and online classes tailored to Family Preparedness that you can all complete together so no one has any knowledge gaps and everyone knows what to do, and who will do what.

5. Build A Community Beyond Your Immediate Family – there’s a reason they say there’s strength in numbers. Allocating tasks, and having additional people can help make a common goal more easily achievable. Everyone can be a resource in some capacity. Join local groups online, reach out to neighbors, attend community meetings, and have discussions. If these local meetings or groups don’t exist, create them and foster collaboration! The CDC has some great tips on building community here. If everyone works together, everyone can get through the emergency together.


Tomorrow may be too late

Emergency Preparedness is an ongoing, dynamic task of planning, organizing, training, equipping, and evaluating. It may sound daunting, but the payoff of knowing your family is ready, is well worth the price of admission. Many aspects of an emergency can be life threatening, but the only one you can assuredly combat is making sure you have access to your prescription medications. Order your Jase Case today!

Lifesaving Medications

Everyone should be empowered to care for themselves and their loved ones during the unexpected.

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